November 11, 2010

The Clock and Time

mSo for some weird reason I have thought about time lately. More specifically how children learn to tell time and how they process in their young minds the concept of time. One question I ask in my job taking children's disability applications involves asking parents can their child tell time. The parents standard answer is "only on a digital clock." it seems that their answer is making this a handicap for the child. Maybe it really is a handicap. These children are only witnessing time in a linear fashion. They are missing a much older concept of time as cyclical. A round clock with hands requires a learned skill to read. It also presents the concept that time is round just as the earth is round. I'm sure that many will d disagree but so did the many that believed the earth was flat or that man really never walked on the moonn. I have not studied much on quantum physics but the little bit I be have read gave me a little understanding in how we pass through time.

November 10, 2010

Mobile Blog Begins

Mobile blog beginnings. So this is my first post from my Droid smart phone. I'm attempting to come into the 21 st century and learn to use all of the resources that I have. After all I have a 3 year old and I need to stay on top of these things or she will end up schooling me