Take a look at this blog. It is about another artist that has done some interesting projects with the security envelope. I really liked her piece where she did an installation on nails of all the buttons she had assembled from her collection of security envelope paper. http://sweetiepiepress.blogspot.com/search/label/security%20envelopes
Also if you go to the following Flickr group on security envelopes, it gives you an idea of how other people are making art and creating craft from these pieces of junk mail. http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=security+envelopes#page=2
I also have tried my hand at making some paper beads from the security envelopes and have liked what I made. http://dollarstorecrafts.com/2009/01/paper-beads-envelope/ They are fairly easy to make.
Here are some finished bracelets similar to what I have made. Think of the friendship beaded safety pin jewlery you made as a child and you get the idea. http://blog.craftzine.com/archive/2008/02/cha_winter_convention_indie_cr.html.
I think when any artist finishes a piece of art and it goes into a gallery or art show, that people other than the artist won't see or just can't see the beauty and the passion.
That is why they ask why?
I hope this blog has helped explain what is it that I am doing. It won't explain why I'm obsessed with doing it. But perhaps my obsession lies in my wanting to pin down, nail down or just glue down a little security, paper or otherwise. I am what my project is to become, hopefully just a little more secure.
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