My mom and I were at the Pensacola Interstate Fair just as it opened tonight. We quickly walked across the midway full of funnel cakes, pronto pups, and screaming kids on various fair rides. We were on a mission, we were going to the Antiques and Collectibles Exhibit.
This week I entered two of my Great Great Granny Dick's quilts in the Pensacola Interstate Fair. As you see my favorite, the Around the World Postage Stamp quilt took second. The odd thing was no quilt was given a blue ribbon. The other quilt my mom insisted that I enter was the Sweetheart Quilt and it tied for third with another entry. My mom kept saying the better quilt was the Sweetheart and I said no, the Postage Stamp was the better quilt.
I was right and I won second!!! The judges picked my choice, but I was a little put out that they did not give a blue ribbon for the quilt category. My mom wanted a recount and wanted to know just what the judges were using for points. Sorry mom, but my choice for the better quilt beat out your choice.
The rest of the evening, Mom and I looked around at some of the other exhibits and then sat at a picnic table and ate a big old BBQtater, basically a potato full of BBQ pork, butter, sour cream, cheese and bacon bits and washed it down with sweet tea and topped it off with a funnel cake for dessert. Mom loves to people watch and we sat and watched the world go by for the longest time. And of all people that walked by one was Stephanie Ritchie.
If you remember she is my artist friend that I ran into in September at the very same fairgrounds at a kids consignment sale. She helped me kick off this blog and got me to thinking about breaking the curse of the threes and start working on the artist I want to be.
It was a really good night. Good Karma. Great mom. And even greater feelings of security.
Now onto the second blog of the night....

It's been a couple of weeks and life has been quickly passing by. So this blog is really two in one. The scans above do not show the newest quilt blocks as good as I would like. I found these quilt block patterns in a very weird place, a McDonald's Happy Meal. A couple of months ago they had these little books from the American Girl/ Doll Series. One of the American Girl's/doll's back story involved her making quilts and in the little book it gave examples of quilt blocks.
I have had more exciting donations of envelopes to the Security Envelope Quilt Project. My neighbor gave me some great colored envelopes, and again a couple of patterns I did not have. Here are some of the envelopes she gave me.

I 've got a little something for you, my neighbor lady... you'll be getting your very own decoupaged letter opener and some flowers or maybe a tree.